Sunday, July 5, 2015

Peg Dolls

A lot has gone on in the last year since my daughter was born and even though I had every intention to keep up with the blog, I was barely able to keep up with getting dressed in the morning haha. Giuliana turned the big ONE last April, and we had lots of fun. I'll share some of the bday decor later.
The other day I was scrolling through Instagram and saw a picture of a friend's little girl playing with peg dolls. OMG! Where have you been all my liiife? I decided I Giuliana needed to have these, but was sad to find they were a little pricey. They're handmade and making the real deal is truly an art, so I get it, but I couldn't justify spending $40+ on peg dolls.
SO, as usual I thought to myself, I could probably do a simpler version of that, and turns out I can!
I bought the pegs at Michaels, but you can get them for cheaper on Amazon. I just wanted to get a couple to see if I could actually pull it off.

I drew the hair and dresses on with pencil first and painted with regular acrylic paint and voila!

I was pretty nervous about making them, but I felt more confident as I went along.

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